Saturday, October 20, 2012

Continuing to learn flexibility...

The entire process of this adoption has taught me an incredible lesson in flexibility.  Today has been no exception.  Before leaving for this trip, we had been told the location of the apartment our family would be staying. We had even made plans to meet a couple from Ireland tonight who we met on our last trip who is also coming to pick up the child they are adopting.  As we pulled into the airport in Houston, I received an email telling us we were now staying at a different hotel on the other side of town.  Turns out the new location is cheaper, but also not a great location.  This also means, we had to cancel plans with the couple from Ireland. 

 Then, when we arrived in Moscow a few hours ago, we were told that we are no longer getting Nikita tomorrow.   They rescheduled his “pickup” for Monday. I am trying to keep my “chin up” on this one, but this is a pretty big disappointment. We have waited so long for our son and 24 hours seems like an eternity more at this point.

 But, I have to remember that I was just telling my friend, Allison, yesterday that this entire process has stretched me in my faith and trust in God.  I am trying to use the recent changes as another opportunity to trust Him. 

 So, we have a “free” day tomorrow as we wait to get Nikita on Monday.  I think we will take Maddie and Dylan to Red Square and let them experience some of Moscow’s sights.  Can’t wait to post pictures for you Monday of our reunion with Nikita and of Maddie and Dylan’s first meeting of him!
We appreciate your continued prayers for smoothness in the process from this point forward. 

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