Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Happy Adoption Day!

One year... It is almost unimaginable that this day last year, Nik left the "home" of his first 3 1/2 years with Brent, Maddie, Dylan, and me.  I think we were all a little unsure of what to expect and what life would look like.  What Brent and I did know, beyond a shadow of doubt, was that Nikita had been called to our family.  The events and circumstances that brought him to us were nothing short of miraculous.  When I think of what his life could have been without the intervention of God to bring him to our home, I am speechless.  The statistics say he likely would have never been adopted, never known God, never been in a family.  Statistics say he would have never had opportunities to go to college and likely would have fallen into patterns of drug or alcohol addiction.  Suicide rates among Russian orphans are very high too.  It is hard to think of what could have been. 

The contrast between Nikita in October 2012 and October 2013 are mind boggling.  This time last year:
  • Nikita had never heard the name of Jesus.  He did not know God; he had never prayed; he had never been to church.  Now, Nik prays on his own (often begging to be the first to pray before dinner), talks about Jesus, and loves going to church. 
  • Nikita had left the orphanage only a few times in his life.  He got very sick and vomited whenever we drove in the car for the first month he was with us due to a lack of experience in cars.  Now, Nik rides with us everywhere without complaint. 
  • Nikita had never experienced most of the things all of us take for granted as part of everyday life.  Nik had never seen a dog or any other animals (other than the birds that flew in the trees at his orphanage).  Now he has been to the zoo a half dozen times and is best friends with our dog, Sasha.  Nikita had never been to the grocery store (or any other stores for that matter), he had never had pizza, hamburgers, or his all time favorite food, the taco.  Nik had never ridden a bike, swam, or seen a movie in the movie theatre.  I could go on and on about all the things he has experienced for the first time this year.  Its been amazing to watch.
  • Nikita had never owned anything.  Any toys or clothes that he used in Russia were considered property of the Russian government and, therefore, he was not allowed to claim them as his own or take them with him with he left.  The only exception is a favorite book that a kind nurse "snuck" in our car as we left the orphanage. We treasure this as literally the only object we have from the first 3 1/2 years of his life.  Now Nik has a closet full of clothes and a room full of toys. 
  • Nikita knew no English, and spoke fluently in Russian.  Now, he speaks English and can only remember a few words of Russian. 
  • Nik had no concept of family or of love.  Now, he loves to comfort us when we are sad, kisses our "boo-boos" and tells us he loves us. This morning, Nik told me, "You are a good mommy." 
  • As far as we know, Nikita had never celebrated his birthday, Christmas, or any other holidays.  now he eagerly anticipates holidays and other celebrations. 
This year, as our blog has chronicled, Nik has learned and developed into a son, a brother and an "all-American" boy.  He is brave, courageous, and strong.  He is charming, intelligent, and funny.  He loves to learn and is full of life. 

I will not lie and say everything this year has been easy. The truth that this blog does not tell is that there have been many tough moments.  We have faced challenges.  All of us have been stretched in our ability to love and to sacrifice. But, in the tough moments, I have held onto the promise of God's amazing plans for Nik.  He is a special boy and I believe with all my heart that God has plans  "bigger than we can ask or imagine" for him (Ephesians 3:20).  His future is bright.  While Brent and I are far from perfect as parents, we know that God is Nik's perfect Father and He has great plans for Nik's life. 

Nik is a very loved little boy.  Maddie and Dylan show the purest form of love for him.  He is their brother. They look after him, care of him, and, yes, fight and argue with him as they would with any sibling. Their willingness to pour sacrificial love into him shows me why Jesus said that the "kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these..."  The friends in our lives, many of you who read this blog, have also poured yourselves into Nik.  You have accepted Nik, loved him, and cared for him in amazing ways.  Nik's grandparents have opened their hearts to Nik as their grandson.  They adore him and he loves them. 

As Nik's first year with us comes to a close, I will end my monthly blog entries.  We would love to continue to keep in touch with each of you who have followed his journey through Facebook or through private communications.  Please be in touch and please continue to pray for us as we parent Nik and pray for Nik in the years ahead.  I would like to close this blog with a note to Nik:

Dear Nik,  

I will never, ever forget the first day I met you.  You were, understandably, very scared and apprehensive with the worker at the orphanage brought you outside to daddy and me.  But, you quickly warmed up to us and offered to hold my hand a few minutes later.  I loved our visits with you in the orphanage as they provided a chance for us to get to know you.  Your charm, affection, and first English words "Mama" and "Papa" warmed my heart.  I loved you and you were my son from the very beginning.  It was heart -wrenching to have to leave you twice to come back to Texas.  I hated to see you sad as we said good-bye.  You had won my heart.  It was amazing to walk away from the orphanage with you one year ago.  My heart was sad for you that you had to say good-bye to the only life you had ever known and the only people you had ever known.  But, it was joyful to know you would be with us forever!

Being with you this year as been an adventure.  Our first days and weeks with you were challenging as we couldn't communicate well with one another.  But, those days were also amazingly wonderful as I watched you embrace your new life--everything was a first: a first trip to the store, your first time to see animals, your first trip to a restaurant, your first holiday season.  For me, the highlight of your first year was your 1st birthday.  I loved celebrating YOU!  You deserved it.  You are God's special creation.

I know beyond any doubt that God has a special calling on your life.  As we watched the doors to Russian adoption close soon after your arrival home, my belief in God's redemption and rescue of you was solidified.   I think often of the verse that we dedicated to you at our church.  I view this passage from Isaiah 43: 1-3 as a promise for your life:  

 "But now, this is what the Lord says—
    he who created you, Jacob,
    he who formed you, Israel:
“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
    I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
When you pass through the waters,
    I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
    they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
    you will not be burned;
    the flames will not set you ablaze.
For I am the Lord your God,
    the Holy One of Israel, your Savior"

I love you so much, Nikita.  I am honored to be your mommy.  You have become an amazing member of our family and I am glad we are together.  Thank you for opening your hearts to all of us. 

Love, Mommy

Highlights from this month:

Visiting with Nana

Camping with our lifegroup!
 Nik fell in the water quickly after this photo was taken...

Our Lifegroup friends!  These kids love Nik so much.
They prayed for him with their parents before he was here
and love and take care of him now.

Poor Nik had eye surgery this month.
It was hard to wake up from anesthesia....

Celebrating Grammy's birthday with Nik's first trip to a
pumpkin patch!

The pumpkin patch is fun!


My pumpkins with the pumpkins!

Family pic in the pumpkins!

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